Reconnect with Your Body Through Pre-natal Reformer Pilates

Welcoming a bundle of joy into your life is undoubtedly a joyous occasion. Still, it often comes with its fair share of challenges, including changes in your body's mobility and posture. One area that is commonly affected is postnatal thoracic mobility—the flexibility and movement in the upper and mid-back regions.

The thoracic spine plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall mobility and function. Pregnancy, however, can bring about postural changes and muscle imbalances that affect the thoracic region. The demands of caring for a newborn, coupled with the physical toll of pregnancy, can contribute to stiffness, reduced range of motion, and discomfort in the upper back.

How Reformer Pilates Can Help:

Reformer Pilates is a low-impact exercise method utilizing a specialized machine with a sliding carriage and resistance springs. The unique design of the Reformer provides a supportive environment for postnatal women to rebuild core strength and improve thoracic mobility.

We utilize the reformer to engage and strengthen the muscles surrounding the thoracic spine through targeted and specific exercises. These exercises promote flexibility, stability, and control in the upper back.

Postnatal women often experience weakened abdominal muscles as well. Our program strongly emphasizes pelvic floor and core activation, helping new moms rebuild and strengthen their core muscles, which are integral to maintaining thoracic mobility.

Book a private session with Danielle Mah, the Seed Studio Owner, RMT, PILATES INSTRUCTOR and Mother of Two.

Or keep an eye for your Postnatal Rehab Series that she hosts tow to three times per year.

Also, our Reformer Pilates and Mat Pilates classes can be modified for pregnant people as well!


Menopause and Acupuncture


Revitalize Your 2024 Fitness Journey with Seed Studio Pilates in Squamish